What they do not tell you about Freelancing

Aditya Golechha
3 min readJul 30, 2018

Freelancing is supposed to be the dream for a lot of creative professionals, work with the people you want, on your own time and on your own terms.

While you do see pictures of freelancers sitting on a beach with a Mai-tai and a laptop, that is a very very small part of the picture. Contrary to what most would say, freelancing is pretty hard. Here are some of the things most people don't talk about working independently.

You’re a One-Man Show

Freelancing means that you're essentially a one person company. THough you may not feel that way, but you are. You have to present a portfolio, market yourself, bid for work and deliver them on time. While freelancing is a cool term to throw around it’s as difficult as running a formal business.

You’re Directly Responsible

This is probably one of the biggest epiphanies I experienced when I was working independently. You are responsible for everything. The good, the bad and the grey. If you're not able to perform and or deliver, it's your head and reputation on the pike. When you’re starting out, you are the face and any bad relationship would have the potential to hurt you in the long term.

You Cant Punch Out

When you’re working a job, it ends when you enter your home. Your freelance career stays with you. It becomes difficult to separate it from your personal life. You’re checking emails when you're out with friends, you’re working on Sundays, holidays, maybe even vacations. You can’t punch out, you're always on-call, you're always trying to take your work to the next level.


This is one of the most tabooed topics which I choose to openly talk about. Working alone for a long period of time by yourself can affect you negatively. Gather yourself with friends over the weekends. As a freelancer or a business owner, most weekends and even holidays are spent toiling away at our workstations. Don't do that. You need to surround yourself with people, socially to start with then professionally as you grow.

Woah, been throwing a lot of shade here, but there is also one more thing that a lot of people don't tell you.

It’s Really Really Rewarding

One of the Happy Illustrations for our clients!

Freelancing and actually building a sustainable business is such a rewarding feeling. You prove to yourself that you’re a self-built person that can sustain yourself while pursuing your passions and sharing your gifts with the world. There is no bigger joy than that. Period.

I started freelancing almost 2 years ago but I've managed to build a team of around 5 — 6 people that work alongside with me and I have so much gratitude that I was able to build and scale what I'm doing. I love it and I’m excited to start working every single day.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about some of the topics above in the comments below!

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I’m Aditya, I design brand identities and design amazing animated explainer videos to help businesses grow. You can get in touch with me at aditya.golechha23@gmail.comand see my work HERE



Aditya Golechha

Aditya creates highly targeted explainer videos to convert, educate, and inform your viewers at The Flo Studio. Know more at www.theflostudios.com